Explore Fayette County

Texas Heroes Museum Visitors Information and Gift Shop
The Texas Heroes Museum has maps, travel brochures, and free visitors guide magazines to help you decide which of the many interesting places to visit in Fayette County. We also have a gift shop with books on Texas history and postcards of the Old Jail.

La Grange Area Chamber
of Commerce
The Texas Heroes Museum is a member of the La Grange Area Chamber of Commerce.
Their website is https://lagrangetx.org/.

Main Street Visitors Center
The visitors center is in Historic Casino Hall, a beautifully restored building from 1881. They have extensive information about the many attractions in Fayette County. The building is located at 254 N. Jefferson, between the railroad tracks and the Post Office. The building also hosts concerts, plays, receptions, and meetings. This website was developed in partnership with the City of La Grange Main Street & Visitors Bureau,http://visitlagrangetx.com, 979-968-3017.

Fayette County Tourism
The Texas Heroes Museum is a member of the Fayette County Tourism Association. Check out their website, https://www.visitfayettecounty.com/.